Devoted Health uses its Instagram and Facebook platforms to talk about the benefits offered through their Medicare Advantage Plans. This post tees up the free gym membership perk and showcases simple and easy ways seniors can exercise at home to keep healthy in a fun and engaging slideshow format.  

Devoted Health's focus for social is to engage seniors in topics that keep them living their lives to the fullest. For National Nutrition Month we wanted to serve followers a heart healthy recipe. We chose a simple step by step approach utilizing the slideshow feature and kept the recipe easy so they could follow along.

In July we wanted to try something a little different. Instead of boasting benefits or encouraging healthy behavior, we wanted to attempt to drive engagement by using nostalgia. We know the senior population often thinks back to the "good ole days". We attempted to encourage conversation by asking what some of their fondest memories were. 

At Devoted Health, we encourage members to text our Guide service (aka customer service team). We wanted to show how easy it is to ask questions—any time—and get an immediate response to help people in real time. 

Lovepop used social media as its lead growth acquisition channel. From holidays to every day, we used this channel to highlight new and relevant products with beautiful lifestyle photography. The style of photography was purposeful and allowed the product to be presented as the focal point and at angles that truly encapsulated the uniqueness of each product.

We saw a lot of success when we showed Lovepop products in use or being shared with others as gifts. The product is so unique, it became really important to show people how it worked and how it brought joy. For Christmas we focused on showing the cards as gifting opportunities. The smaller notecards—while simpler—came in variety packs and we had to show the variety through photography,

Lovepop used animated gifs to gain excitement and engagement from followers. We'd often make animated gifs for holidays, birthdays, seasons, and in this case, to illustrate the fun that comes out of a Lovepop envelope.

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